An homage to …

Un omaggio a …                                    please scroll down for english text, grazie 🙂

 colorsDa qualche giorno ci sono tanti colori in casa mia. Quattro colori nuovi. Sul tavolo del soggiorno. Non è un caso. Forse c’è un motivo dietro.   Una volta un fotografo famoso mi disse che il bello della fotografia è che permette di non annoiarsi mai. Hai un’oretta in cui non sai cosa fare? Prendi la tua fotocamera e inventati qualche cosa.

Since a few days there are many colors in my home. Four new colors. On the table of my living room. It’s not casual. There is a reason behind it. Once a famous photographer told me that one nice thing in photography is that you’ll never be bored. If you have one free hour you can take your camera and invent something.

 Dopo aver scritto questo articolo in cui ho spiegato il mio rapporto con l’America mi è venuta l’idea di rendere un omaggio, seppur  casalingo all’arte americana. E allora mi sono inventato qualcosa. 

After that I wrote this post about my relationship with America I got the idea to pay an homage, an homemade homage to the american art and therefore I invented something. 

E questo, sotto  è il risultato di questo primo tentativo. Da perfezionare.

And here, below is the result of this first attempt. To be improved.

cokes, homage to...

cokes, homage to… rkr©2012

Così si spiegano i fogli colorati che, attivando come sempre la curiosità di Simonetta avevo momentaneamente piazzato in soggiorno. A proposito, è vero, le case dei fotografi sono sempre troppo piccole! E il sacrificio autoimposto l’altra sera di non bere l’unica coca che c’era in casa!  Per chi fosse curioso ecco un paio d’immagini del “making of”. Devo ammettere di aver commesso un piccolo errore, perchè avendo a disposizione solo l’oretta di cui sopra ho adoperato la macchina fotografica di Simonetta e mi sono fidato dei suoi automatismi. Lavorando in manuale avrei avuto forse una maggior costanza nel colore della lattina. Piccola lezione per la prossima volta.

This is the explanation for the colored papers I brought home and placed on the table, making my wife Simonetta very curious. By the way, it is true, the houses of the photographers are always too small! And I also did not drink last night the only coke I had, which was a big sacrifice! For the ones very curious here are a couple of photos of the “making of”. I must admit that I made a mistake because having only the free hour of which we already spoke I used my wife’s camera trusting on the auto modes. If I had work in manual mode probably the color of the coke had been more consistent. A small lesson for next time.

Questo è stato solo un piccolo “divertissement” , però in attesa che le mie foto vengano esposte al Rochester Contemporary Art Center come ho spiegato qui, (grazie Megan :-)) mi ha permesso di giocare a fare l’artista per un’oretta! Ma l’idea di ispirarmi ad artisti che mi interessano non mi sembra male, anzi mi stuzzica. Anche perchè da cosa nasce cosa e le idee vengono assorbite per poi essere elaborate fino a svilupparne di proprie. Farò altri esperimenti, lo prometto! 

This was only a simple “divertissement” but, waiting for my photos being exhibited at the Rochester Contemporary Art Center as I explained here, (thank you Megan :-)) I played for a little to be artist. But the idea to take inspiration from the work of artists I like is not bad, to be honest is exciting me. And from one thing another thing can born, the ideas are first engrossed and than elaborated until we are able to develop  our ones. I’ll make other experiments, you can be sure!

Come sempre potete cliccare sulle foto per ingrandirle.

As always you can click on the photos to enlarge them.

23 pensieri su “An homage to …

  1. Ein wirklich sehr interessantes Thema un dprima umgesetzt. Tabletop Fotografie ist für mich mit die schönste Art der Fotografie.

  2. Dear Robert, I am so sad to hear ths earthquake now. I hope and wish you are in safe, as I heard that in Milano you felt too. My prayers and my wishes with you all. God be with you, Love, nia

    • Thanks Nia, we are ok, really my wife and me were sleeping and did not feel anything, but most of our friends did. It’s a sad moment in Italy, the earthquake last night and yesterday a girl, she was 16, was killed by an home made bomb placed in front of her school and many other have been injured. Thanks for your words and prayers.

      • Oh dear Robert, I am glad to hear you. Yes, it is so sad news, I am so sad for this young girl too. How life can be so tragic… I pray for her family and friend.You are welcome. Love, nia

  3. I think this is a wonderful homage – if not necessarily to America so at least to one American artist. And I like the result. No doubt in who’s spirit it was made. I actually find the variation of the cokes to add extra interest to the picture. Maybe not quite what Andy would have done, but this is your vision, and it’s really nice.

  4. Pingback: In My Kitchen :) « photographyofnia

  5. Il tuo fotografare e’ piuttosto diverso dal mio ma le tue idee, i tuoi progetti ed il modo di realizzarli mi piacciono sempre… E’ vero…. Le lattine dovevano avere le stesse tonalità ….:)

  6. Robert, I didn’t have time to study your blog this morning, so here I am again. I chuckled at your comment, “By the way, it is true, the houses of the photographers are always too small!” That is so true, both the photographer and the spouse will always agree on that.

  7. This is a great fun, I loved it… You are amazing, the colours are so beautiful and you really did great job with them. Thank you dear Robert, you inspire me… Love, nia

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