march 23rd

23 marzo

Il 23 marzo 2020 in Italia ci sono stati  601 morti per covid. Ieri, a un anno di distanza ci sono stati 551 morti per covid.

March 23rd, 2020 in Italy there have been 601 dead because of covid.
One year later, yesterday march 23rd, 2021 there have been 551 dead because of covid.
Un anno fa la malattia era sconosciuta, ci aveva colto di sorpresa, eravamo il primo paese fuori dalla Cina ad averla sul nostro territorio. Nessuno era pronto, maschere di protezione non erano disponibili neppure per il personale medico ed infermieristico che ne ha pagato il prezzo con molti morti. Non c’era esperienza sul modo di curarla e i medici dovevano agire in fretta, con gli ospedali al limite delle loro possibilità operative.
A year ago the disease was unknown, it took us by surprise, we were the first country outside China to have it on our territory. No one was ready, protective masks were not available even for the medical and nursing staff who paid the price with many deaths. There was no experience on how to treat it and doctors had to act fast, with hospitals at the limit of their operational possibilities.
Oggi sappiamo molte più cose sul covid-19, abbiamo maschere quanti ed altri dispositivi di protezione, sappiamo quanto sia importante mantenere la distanza da altre persone, portare una maschera e lavarsi frequentemente le mani, sono stati messi a punto protocolli sanitari per curare gli ammalati. Ma nonostante ciò abbiamo ancora centinaia di morti giornalieri.
Today we know much more about covid-19, we have masks, gloves and other protective equipment, we know how important it is to keep your distance from other people, wear a mask and wash our hands frequently, health protocols have been put in place to treat the sick. But yet we still have hundreds of daily deaths.
Qualkche cosa non ha funzionato e non sta funzionando.
Something did not work and is not working.
Discussioni, annunci, politica, litigi, promesse, fatti strani, poche notizie e tanto rumore…troppo rumore…
Discussions, announcements, politics, promises, bickering, weird facts, little news and lots of noise….too much noise…
Mi dispiace, non è un articolo allegro, abbiate pazienza.
Sorry, this is not an happy post, be patient please.

16 pensieri su “march 23rd

  1. and to think that many of my friends, or supposed friends, now refuse to wear masks, to wash their hands, to keep their distance. i had few illusions about the human animal, and i have even fewer today.

  2. oh robert!! what is going ON over there?? and why isn’t it happening here?? what is ‘special’ about Italy? I just don’t understand… you must have a mutated baaad strain of the virus!!
    you should go to and sign up for the notes, they will cheer you up a bit

    • I m afraid we have still too many stuoid peop’le around who belkieve there is no virus, until a few weeks ago we had a weak government who had very difficult to make strong quick actions against covid. It will be a long story in front of us…

      • well, i think there are millions of people in north america who don’t think the virus is AS real as they say it is, and yet things are reopening and such

  3. Unfortunately it is human nature, built in for eons, to live in the moment and not calculate/plan for the future. Those attributes have to be taught and in all societies can be sadly lacking. We have a strong desire to return to what we view as known and as normal, whether that reflects reality or not. My plan is to continue to wear a mask and keep my physical distance even though I am fully vaccinated. If someone asks why I am doing these “silly” things I will reply that I am doing it for them, not for me.

    • Last summer my wife and I always had a mask and kept distances when going out. Scientists had warned us the virus was still around. Unfortunately some other “experts” said the virus was clinically dead. Therefore most of people preferred to believe this other theory and it was the end of any cautious behaviour. I have friends who went to the sea and after two days came back home terrified because of people behaviour.
      So from less than 50 daily covid death soon after summer they were 100, and after a few days 200, after a few more days almost 500, and…
      In this way all the scrifices made months long have been wasted and now we are again in the storm with hundreds of daily deaths.
      Thanks for your words, appreciated.

  4. Robert, it will most probably take still some more time until the vaccinations can press down the numbers of infected – and in consequence hospitalised, even dying – people. A painful process, but no shortcut has been invented yet.

    • Thanks, what you say makes sense, much attention is still required and it will be in the next months. But…after what happened last summer with people feeling free to make what they wanted and listening now to people saying with or wihout vaccines next summer they want to have fun with no restrictions I find it worrying, if not scaring: vaccines without individual resposability are not enough…sadly.
      It will be a difficult time…

      • Unfortunately I had to learn one thing, Robert: The number of irresponsible people (as well as the number of those who prefer cherry-picking instead of science) is much bigger than I had feared in my worst nightmares. 😦

  5. It is very scary, so look after yourself, stay away from people as much as possible, and stay as healthy as you can. Breathe fresh air, eat wisely, and laugh when you can. It will boost your immune system. Xx

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