about me

Robert K. Rehmann nasce in dicembre. E’ sagittario, ama leggere, ascoltare musica e viaggiare. E’ un nomade dell’immagine, che esplorando le proprie origini e confrontandosi con le idee e le culture degli “altri” trasforma la propria libertà visiva in uno stile dove le scelte fotografiche e l’estetica sono in funzione delle emozioni da trasmettere. L’incontro con i fotografi Machiel Botman dapprima, Mauro Fiorese e Keith Carter dopo è stato determinante nella sua ricerca fotografica, ricerca di qualche cosa sempre un poco più in là. Contaminazioni visive, polaroid, fotocopiatrici si affiancano a mezzi fotografici più tradizionali nel lavoro di Robert

acqua x 6, polaroid, anno 2007

Robert K.Rehmann is sagittarius, loves reading, listening to good music and traveling. He feels himself a nomad of the image, who exploring his own roots and the culture of the “others” transforms his visual freedom in a style where the photographic choices and the aesthetics depend on the  emotions to be transmitted.  Workshops with Machiel Botman first, Mauro Fiorese and Keith Carter later have been determining factors in his photographic  research, a research for something which is always  a little further. Visual contaminations, polaroids, copy machines are used together with  more traditional media in Robert’s work.

56 pensieri su “about me

  1. Robert, I only know you from RFF. Until today, when I found your website. I will enjoy reading your opinions and seeing you work even more. I noticed your disclaimer concerning English as a second language. You do very well in that language. As one who only speaks some halting German, I am envious of your command of English!

    Dick Thornton
    (Bike Tourist on RFF)

    • Thankd Dick for your words. It’s nice to know you like my blog which is a mix between my thoughts and feeling and my photography. Feelings can influence my photography and photography will for sure influence my feelings. And this is good!

  2. Your work is very attractive – thank you for finding and commenting on my blog! The quiet photographer is a title to love – I want to find our more, so I will follow you.

  3. Hi Robert! I’ve been mostly away for a few years and when I came back I noticed that I had so many people I was following that I couldn’t follow anyone. So I cleared it all out and I’m now picking up the best of the bunch. 🙂 Glad to find you and your wonderful blog still here!

    • Fisicamente: vicino a Milano, nord Italia.
      Fotograficamente: un poco sperso, fra l’analogico e il digitale, alla ricerca di una foto che non esiste, ancora…
      Emozionalmente: fotografie, disegni, mostre, cinema, jazz, passeggiate, libri, teatro, blog…le cose che mi emozionano sono i confini del mio mondo…e di quello di mia moglie Simo…

      • Scusa se mi intrometto,ma posso farti i complimenti per la tua risposta? Bel mondo il tuo e senz’altro anche quello di tua moglie che è riuscita ad emozionarti con il suo. Bravi. Isabella

  4. Robert,

    Your “quiet sojourn” is a fantastic narrative. Here where I live the winter has been quite disappointing compared to yours. Only a very few good snows and then just warm enough to wipe away the beauty. And now as springtime has come upon us, the days are colder and the skies gray when we should feel warmth. Congrats!

  5. Robert,
    I genuinely appreciate the “quietness” (no pun intended of course…) but also the depth of your images. I voluntarily do not use the word “picture” since they are so much more powerful than static pictures ! I wish you many more years en-lighting us !

  6. Hi Robert, I found you in the Rangefinder forum in a topic about the Hahnemuhle photo album.
    Since the topic is closed for 2 years I would like to ask you a question about the book here.
    I hope you don’t mind.
    Are the pages pre hinged? So does the book opens flat?

    Kind regards,

  7. Robert , passeggiare nel tuo blog è stata un’esperienza molto piacevole che mi ha insegnato, in modo gradevole, molto !!!
    Hai parlato di fotografia con il cuore e con l’anima, non solo di tecnica ! Grazie per aver condiviso il tuo sentire….

    • Grazie Lorenza, la tecnica è solo uno strumento per comunicare quello che sentiamo, che vediamo, in cui crediamo o per cui combattiamo…è un mezzo non un fine…
      ciao, robert

  8. Thank you Robert for such kind remarks on the new blog. It will be a learning curve for me but I feel up to the challenge. Your photographs & your words are like taking in a fine wine.
    greg (gb)

  9. Hi Robert,
    Thank you very much for passing by my site and for the kind words of encouragement.
    I checked you work out as well, and I must say I was positively impressed.
    I bookmarked you for future reference. Your photos are inspiring.
    “See” each other around.

  10. And also I want to Thank about this English version of your text… How thoughtful you are. Otherwise it would be so difficult to read you. And another point what I want to say, the head photograph is amazing, I am impressed so much, this is great photograph.

    Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

  11. Hi Robert , I am glad to meet with you. It is always so nice to meet with a new photographer. And I should say my thanks for visiting my Italy Blog, and for your nice comment too. I have actually another blog too, it is my daily photographs from where I live. (http://photographyofnia.com/) I love photography… And I loved your blog, Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia

  12. Hallo Robert,
    tolle Seite und spitzen Bilder, da muss ich noch viel viel lehrnen. Über nächste Woche fliegen wir wieder für zwei Wochen nach Rom, Rom ist spitze! Meine Frau lehrnt gerade italienisch. Würde mich freuen von Dir wieder zu lesen!!!


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