Slow return to normality

Lento ritorno alla normalità

Piccola nota: credevo di aver pubblicato questo post diversi giorni fa ma oggi aprendo WP per scrivere un nuovo post mi sono accorto che lo avevo scritto, salvato ma non pubblicato. Forse la stanchezza, forse l’età…mah…abbiate opazienza per favore.

Small note: I thought I had published this post several days ago but today opening WP to write a new post I realized I had written it, saved it but not published it. Maybe fatigue, maybe age…mah…please be patient.

Gli ultimi due mesi sono stati complicati, intendiamoci niente di molto grave (grave può essere una malattia, la perdita del lavoro, la scomparsa di una persona cara) ma è stato un periodo con una buona dose di stress e fatica (non amo la parola stress ma questa sera non ne trovo una migliore).

The last two months have been complicated, mind you nothing very serious (serious can be an illness, the loss of a job, the passing of a loved one) but it has been a period with a good deal of stress and fatigue (I don’t like the word stress but tonight I can’t find a better one).

Abbiamo infatti deciso dopo più di vent’anni di sistemare il pavimento in legno ormai degradato del nostro appartamento. Per fare questo è stato necessario togliere tutti i mobili dopo averli vuotati e noi ci siamo trasferiti temporaneamente in un altro luogo, purtroppo senza connessione internet! Scatoloni e altri imballi grandi e piccoli sono stati parte di questo sconvolgimento. Ovviamente una volta fatto il lavoro è stato necessario rimettere ogni cosa al proprio posto.

In fact, we decided after more than 20 years to fix the now degraded wooden floor in our apartment. To do this, it was necessary to remove all the furniture after we emptied it out and temporarily we moved to another location which unfortunately was with no access to internet!. Boxes and other packaging large and small were part of this disruption. Of course once the job was done it was necessary to put everything back in its proper place.

Gli spazi vuoti hanno spesso un loro fascino ma al contrario gli scaffali della mia libreria senza libri mi hanno messo tristezza!

Empty spaces often have their own charm, but in contrast, my bookcase shelves without books made me sad!

Ora siamo tornati alla quasi normalità, ci vorrà del tempo per sistemare tutto ma almeno molti libri sono tornati al loro posto. Sul terrazzo in un vaso, anche quello trascurato, è fiorita una rosa nonostante il tempo molto ballerino ed io credo sia un segno di buon auspicio.

Now we are back to almost normal, it will take time to fix everything but at least many books are back in place. On the terrace in a vase, also neglected, a rose has bloomed in spite of the very erratic weather and I think it is an auspicious sign.

Tempo di rilassarsi e tornare alle piacevoli abitudini, compreso scrivere questo piccolo trascurato blog! Time to relax and return to pleasant habits, including writing this neglected little blog!

Immagino che  a tutti capitino dei momenti di allontanamento più o meno forzato dalla routine e che il ritorno allo stato delle cose “di default” sia alla fine un bel momento! Oppure no?

I imagine that everyone has moments of more or less forced departure from routine and that returning to the “default” state of things is eventually a good time! Or not?

Come sempre i commenti sono benvenuti! As always comments are welcome!











6 pensieri su “Slow return to normality

  1. Just think — I make my living refinishing teak on boats, so it’s pleasing to me that your floor is made of that wood. It’s beautiful, and will serve you well.

    Since you’re easing back into a more normal routine, I brought you a little present. You may or may not know that my favorite musical group is made up of five men who do a cappella. Two of their members, one trained in opera and one in musical theater, did a version of “Nessun Dorma” as a bit of a lark. My favorite review of their performance on YouTube is by Claudio Olliver, an Italian singing instructor. His pleasure in the performance is obvious, and I hope you take pleasure in the video. Thank goodness for the internet to connect us in interesting ways — and thank goodness for closed captioning that translated the Italian for me!

    • Grazie! Thank you for such a beautiful present! “Nessun Dorma” is a great piece and will always give much emotion to anyone listen to it!

      I always loved classic sail boats and this is why I selected a teak wood for my floor! Unfortunately no teak in my (now sold) small sailboat! But this is a different stroy for another time!

    • Thanks, it was more demanding than we had thought but it was worth it!

      The wood is teak and we had it painted very matt, so it seems very natural which makes the place very comfortable. Still some minor work to do but no rush necessary, we can take our time!

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