Befana Day

Il giorno della Befana

Strani personaggi negli angoli di casa! Mentre i Babbini aiutanti di Babbo Natale  si apprestano a riposare è arrivata la Befana!Strange characters in the corners of the house! While Santa’s helpers are ready to rest, the Befana has arrived!

Gli amici italiani conoscono la Befana, questa anziana signora che la notte del 5 gennaio vola a cavallo di una scopa per portare doni ai bambini che sono stati buoni e carbone o aglio a quelli che non lo sono stati,

Italian friends are familiar with the Befana, this elderly lady who flies on the night of January 5 on a broomstick to bring gifts to children who have been good and coal or garlic to those who have not.

I bambini preparano  una calza dove verranno messi i doni e solitamente i loro genitori lasciano sul tavolo un bicchierino di vino o un piccolo pasto per rifocillare questa anziana signora. E lei che è una brava persona con la sua scopa spazza il pavimento prima di volare via.

Children leave a sock near the chimney  where gifts will be placed and usually their parents leave a small glass of wine or a simple traditional  meal on the table to energize this elderly lady. And she who is a good person with her broom sweeps the floor before flying away.

Secondo alcuni spazzare il pavimento significa che vengono spazzati via tutti i problemi e le difficoltà dell’anno appena trascorso. According to some, sweeping the floor means that all the problems and difficulties of the past year are swept away.

La Festa della Befana è tradizionalmente legata ai Re Magi. Si dice infatti che lungo il cammino per Betlemme chiesero indicazioni sulla via da seguire a un’anziana signora che indicò loro la strada ma rifiutò il loro invito a seguirli. Più tardi si pentì,  preparò un sacco pieno di dolci e si mise alla loro ricerca senza però trovarli. Allora iniziò a bussare a tutte le porte e regalare dolci a ogni bambino che trovava nella speranza che uno di loro fosse Gesù Bambino.

The Feast of the Epiphany is traditionally linked to the Three Kings. In fact, it is said that on their way to Bethlehem they asked an old woman for directions on the way to follow,  she showed them the way but refused their invitation to go with them. Later she regretted it, prepared a sack full of sweets and set out in search of them but without success. Then she began knocking on all doors gifting sweets to every child she found in the hope that one of them was Baby Jesus.

Forse al giorno d’oggi i bambini non aspettano con ansia la Befana,  loro pensano che i doni li porti amaz….

Perhaps nowadays children do not look forward to the Befana, they think that gifts are brought by amaz….

Come sempre suggerisco di cliccare sulle foto per una visione migliore e non dimenticatevi di lasciare un commento 🙂

As always I suggest clicking on the photos for a better view and don’t forget to leave a comment 🙂








7 pensieri su “Befana Day

  1. Your collection is as wonderful as the story. I’ve never heard of the Befana — not one time. It’s amazing how many customs and celebrations there are in the world — this is a lovely one. Happy New Year to you! I’m looking forward to your posts in 2024!

    • Many of these traditions derive from old pagan rituals when people’s survival depended greatly on weather conditions, a season with good weather gave the possibility of a good harvest while a bad season could mean a poor harvest, starvation, and perhaps even famine. Hence rites to propitiate deities.
      Today we have advanced scientific knowledge, technology and no longer believe in the effectiveness of these rites which have become mere traditions. And we also have global warming…

      • My work is as weather dependent as anyone’s, and while I appreciate the weather technologies, I still depend on traditional signs and personal observation. While I don’t propitiate any of the old-time gods, I know better than to absolutely trust our weather gurus for short-term forecasts. I can sense rising humidity or coming wind switches as well as any model!

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