

Per recuperare un poco di equilibrio dopo le fatiche della ristrutturazione casalinga abbiamo trascorso qualche giorno in montagna. E sapete una cosa? Per chi, come me vive in un ambiente urbano è bello essere in cucina e vedere del verde fuori dalla finestra!

To regain a little balance after the struggles of home renovation, we spent a few days in the mountains. And you know what? For people like me who live in an urban environment, it’s nice to be in the kitchen and see greenery outside the window!

Dicono il verde aiuti a rilassarsi…io ci credo! They say green helps to relax…I believe it!

Come sempre suggerisco di cliccare le foto per una visione ingrandita e non abbiate paura a lasciare un commento, grazie. As always I suggest to click the photos for a larger view and don’t be afraid to leave a comment, thank you.


2 pensieri su “Breath

  1. The color green is calming and suggests new beginnings and life, just to name a few things.
    Enjoy your time in a most place surrounding by the beauty of nature.🙂 Love it!

  2. That’s exactly why I have my desk next to a window that opens onto grass and trees. Even when I can’t get outside into nature, the view is a fine reminder of what’s waiting when I can! I’m glad you got away. Change is good, even when life’s going well.

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