still hot, how about…

ancora caldo, che ne dite se…

…mescoliamo qualche foto con qualche parola?

…let’s mix some photos with some words?

Prendere l’auto e partire. Un po’ di musica, pochi bagagli (!) e seguire una strada secondaria…

To jump into the car and drive off. A little music, little luggage (!) and follow a back road….

I giocatori sono andati via. Niente punti oggi, niente falli. Alla radio una vecchia canzone mi ricorda tante cose…

The players are gone. No points today, no fouls. On the radio an old song reminds me of many things….

“Questa non è una sfera” oppure lo è? A voi la parola …

“This is not a sphere,” or is it? Your word …

Il canto della neve sotto gli scarponi…

The song of snow under boots…

Adesso una nota: questo blog è iniziato esattamente 11 anni fa. Era diverso, più frizzante forse. Ma tante cose sono cambiate in soli undici anni, oltre alla mia età. a volte penso sia ora di smettere, ma basta un solo commento,  anche di poche parole per farmi pensare che è bello proseguire. Grazie a tutti coloro che seguono il blog, e un super grazie a chi scambia qualche parola con me 🙂

Now a note: this blog started exactly 11 years ago. It was different, more sparkling perhaps. But so much has changed in just 11 years, besides my age. sometimes I think it’s time to stop, but it only takes one comment, even a few words to make me think it’s good to keep going. Thanks to all who follow the blog, and a super thank you to those who exchange a few words with me 🙂

E allora per celebrare questi undici anni di blog vi propongo una  foto da un progetto iniziato in quel tempo e non ancora terminato, forse sarà sempre un lavoro in corso e una foto di backstage: si, siamo io e mia moglie come modella in un viaggio nel tempo…

And so to celebrate these eleven years of blogging I offer you a photo from a project started at that time and not yet finished, maybe it will always be a work in progress and a backstage picture: yes, that’s me and my wife as a model on a journey through time…

Grazie a tutti, a presto. Thanks everybody, see you soon 🙂


15 pensieri su “still hot, how about…

  1. Absolutely wonderful, Robert! There is so much charm here, so much originality. The sequence of photos really makes me stop and wonder. Congratulations on 11 years, fantastic!

  2. Happy Anniversary! I also got a note recently from WP congratulating me for ten years. I guess that’s when I moved from Blogspot to WordPress. I didn’t really expect to still be doing this 10 years later either.

  3. Mi chiedo anche se valga la pena di continuare il mio blog, non ho la risposta, a volte un commento mi fa pensare di sì. Non importa quanti ce ne siano, è la qualità che conta. Non dimentichiamo che gli amici sono rari. Così come le persone che prestano attenzione alle nostre produzioni. Grazie, Robert.

  4. The photo of you and your wife is so appealing. It has a timeless quality to it, and a quiet intimacy. I very much enjoyed the photo just above, too. Reading to my dolls was one of my favorite activities as a child — I much preferred that to tea parties!

    • And I really like your comment, thanks thans and thanks again! We have many dolls around, most are since Simo was a child. The book Simo is reading to the doll is a bookm I received as gift from my Dad and its title is “Mein Erstes Buch”, which translate as My First Book! I assume it is more than 60-65 years old!

  5. Happy blog anniversary!!!🙂

    You bring a lot of joy to us with your blog, so here’s a cheer for another 11 years and 50 more!

    These photos are really excellent, btw!!

    Which camera did you use for the photo of you and Simo?

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