April 23rd, World Book Day

23 Aprile, Giornata Mondiale del Libro

alte rom-Edit2Amo i libri. Leggerli.  A volte li fotografo anche. Sono parte della mia vita.


I love books. Reading. Sometimes I take pictures of them. They are a part of my life.


Oggi è la Giornata Mondiale del Libro. E allora festeggiamo!


Today is the World Book Day. Than let’s celebrate!

Come sempre potete cliccare sulle foto per ingrandirle! As always you can click the photos to enlarge them! And comments are welcome! E i commenti sono benvenuti!

Ma… voi cosa state leggendo in questi giorni? But…what are you reading in these days?

15 pensieri su “April 23rd, World Book Day

  1. Wishing every day could be book day. So much warmth and companionship in your book shots. At the moment I am reading two books Beloved, by Toni Morrison and The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem.

  2. Reading has been a part of my life, quite seriously, since I was around eight years of age, when I received my first illustrated encyclopedia. I still read, although most of it is now done on my Kobo e-reader. Occasionally I visit my local library, just for a change and to smell the books! Currently I’m reading on my Kobo from the collected works of Rabindranath Tagore — from a visit to Japan in 1916 a lecture he gave; he was certainly very in touch with the people, the heart of the people. I like him.

    I like your collection of photo-books and colourful shelves. If you have nothing else in a room, bookshelves provide plenty of colour.

  3. I love books too, Robert. Always have. To my amazement when my sister gave me a Kindle I loved it too. I get my books on there now. Although one thing is for certain, I would never read a picture book to my grandsons on a Kindle. In that case only a real book will do.

  4. Qualche anno fa, ho avuto la fortuna di festeggiare questa ricorrenza particolare in Catalogna. Nel giorno di San Giorgio (patrono di Barcellona e della Catalogna) Barcellona si riempie di bancarelle di libri e di rose. La tradizione, infatti, vuole che gli uomini regalino alle donne una rosa, che loro poi ricambiano con l’acquisto di un libro. L’atmosfera in città era davvero bella – peccato che non abbia neanche una foto ricordo!
    In questo giorni sto finendo “One day” di David Nicholls. Davvero molto coinvolgente. Ciao Robert!

  5. I am a little ashamed to acknowledge that I didn’t even know it was the World Book Day last week – despite the fact that I love books too. Right now I am ready Age of Extremes by Eric Hobsbawn, a very interesting historical look at last century.

    • No need to be ashamed, me too didn’t know it till middle of the afternoon! That’s why I posted it late in the afternoon with a collection of already taken photos, otherwise I had preferred to make a special shot for the occasion!
      Myself, I’m reading a book from Lilli Gruber about her family in Tyrol starting from just before the first world war till the years of fascism. It’ s part of a trilogy and very interesting to see how the story changed the lives of so many people.

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