This is the music of my summer

Questa è la musica della mia estate.      Pls, scroll down for english text                          

Si, è vero, adoro la musica.  

No, non la so suonare, peccato.

La tecnologia mi aiuta a goderne il piacere.

La lettura mi aiuta a conoscerla.

Qualche volta la fotografo.

Qualche volta la sogno.

Yes, it’s true, I love the music!    

No, I’m not able to play it.

The technology helps me to take delight in it.

Reading helps me to know it.

Sometimes I take photo of it.

Sometimes I dream of it…                              

this is the music of my summer, 1 - 2011

this is the music of my summer, 2 - aug 2011

this is the music of my summer, 3 - 2011

this is the music of my summer, 4 - 2011

this is the music of my summer, 5 - 2011

this is the music of my summer, 6 - 2011

“La musica della mia estate” era il tema  che io ed alcuni amici ci siamo proposti di fotografare.  Per vari motivi io non ho avuto occasione di sentire musicisti, concerti o prender parte ad altre manifestazioni musicali. Ma ho ascoltato tanta musica in casa…

“The music of my summer” was the theme that me and a few friends wanted to develop during our summer. Because of various reasons I could not listen to concerts, musicians or take part in other musical events. But I could listen to a lot of music at home…

12 pensieri su “This is the music of my summer

  1. Pingback: Experimenting a different style | the quiet photographer

  2. Pingback: Cropping the saxophonist ! | the quiet photographer

  3. Pingback: Back home, relax with music | the quiet photographer

  4. Thank you all for the nice comments. When I was 13 more or less I studied for two years classic guitar. But then my teacher and me decided that it was not my thing: I could play what I had studied (like a maths exercise) but I was not able to follow my ear. That was the end of my carrier as musician! But since than I always like to listen to music, live or recorded. Classic or jazz, rock or blues, or…
    Ans I’m not able to walk in front of a music shop without stopping in front of the windows and dreaming…like a child if in front of a toys shop!

  5. la rappresentazione fotografica della musica abbonda di clichè che hai evitato con un’interpretazione originale e profonda,
    mi inchino!
    a presto

  6. red hot chili peppers and schonberg: quite a combo!
    beautiful compositions and tones, Robert.

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